Here you’ll find stuff related to our research such as links to items published in the media, brief updates from our ongoing research, and photo galleries.

Passerine feather moult research featured in Ha’aretz (Hebrew)

The research of Yosef Kiat, (former Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellow) on feather moult in passerines was featured in Ha’aretz website (Hebrew)

An algorithm for detecting bats in radar data featured in Ynet (Hebrew)

The algorithm for detecting bats in radar data developed by Yuval Werber, our Ph.D. student, is featured in ynet website (Hebrew). The study is a collaboration with Prof. Yossi Yovel from Tel Aviv University. Congratulations to Yuval for this nice coverage

Using drones to reduce wind turbine collision risk featured in Ynet (Hebrew)

Using drones to reduce collision risk with wind turbines for bats. Research by Yuval Werber, our Ph.D. student featured in ynet website (Hebrew). The study is a collaboration with Prof. Yossi Yovel from Tel Aviv University. Congratulations to Yuval for this nice coverage

Swift research featured in Ynet (Hebrew)

Year-round movements of swifts recorded using geolocators: our research featured in ynet website. The study is a collaboration with the Swiss Ornithological Institute and The Friends of the Swifts organiztion. Congratulations to Itai for this nice coverage

An interview with Nir Sapir in Haaretz newspaper (Hebrew)

The interview was published in the weekend edition of Haaretz Newspaper. In the interview Nir speaks about his work as an evolutionary biologist and ecologist, and on bird and insect migration. You can read the interview online here or a PDF version here...