
  1. Jiguet, F., Mayrose, A., Piha, M., Efrat, R., Seimola, T., Sapir, N., Timonen, S., Wasserlauf, Y., Besnard, A., Bocher, P., Kölzsch, A., Lehikoinen, A., Monnet, A.C., Procházka, P., and Perlman Y. GNSS spoofing in conflict zones disrupts wildlife tracking and hampers research and conservation efforts. Nature Communications (Comment) (accepted for publication).
  2. Werber, Y. and Sapir, N. Radar-measured passerine ascent rates reveal a migratory switch near a major barrier. iScience (accepted for publication).
  3. Efrat, R., Lehnardt, Y., Berkowic, D. Bragin, A. Bragin, E., Katzner, T. & Sapir, N. 2025. Using GPS tracking data to validate the conservation value of bird migration counts. Biological Conservation (302). doi:
  4. Schekler, I., Levi, Y. and N. Sapir. 2024. Contrasting seasonal responses to wind in migrating songbirds on a globally important flyway. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20240875. doi: Abstract Full-text
  5. Ben Moshe, D., Messer, H., Werber, Y., and N. Sapir. 2024. Cellular network measurements can unravel spatiotemporal properties of bird movement to enhance basic and applied knowledge globally. Ornithological Applications 126(4): duae035. doi: Abstract Full-text
  6. Lenhardt, Y. and N. Sapir. 2024. Redistribution of songbirds within a migratory stopover site as a response to sylviid warblers song playback. Ibis 166(4): 1184-1198. doi: Abstract Full-text
  7. Santos, C. D., Sapir, N., Becciu, P., Granadeiro, J. P. and M. Wikelski. 2024. Risk-sensitive response to crosswind over dangerous sea highlights age-specific differences of flight performance in soaring migrants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20240454. doi: Abstract Full-text
  8. Bloch, I., Troupin, D., Toledo, S., Nathan, R. and N. Sapir. 2024. Combining radio-telemetry and radar measurements to test optimal foraging in an aerial insectivore bird. eLife 13:RP96573. doi: Abstract Full-text
  9. Serratosa, J. et al (160 co-authors, including Sapir, N.). 2024. Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for migratory birds at a flyway scale. Biological Conservation 293: 110525. doi: Abstract Full-text
  10. Reznikov, K., Efrat, R., Berger-Tal, O. and N. Sapir. 2024. The spatiotemporal properties of artificial feeding schemes determine the movement of post-fledging Egyptian Vultures: a field experiment. Ornithological Applications 126(3): duae010. doi: Abstract Full-text
  11. Bloche, D.A.F and N. Sapir. 2024. Breeding performance and nest-site selection of Woodchat Shrikes (Lanius senator) near the southern edge of their breeding distribution. Journal of Ornithology 165: 691–701. doi: Abstract Full-text
  12. Mayrose, A., Haviv, E., Hatzofe, O., Troupin, D., Elroy, M and N. Sapir. 2024. Bonelli’s Eagle electrocution risk in Israel can be reduced by 80% by insulating only 4% of the pylons. Ornithological Applications 126(2). doi: Abstract Full-text
  13. Efrat, R., Hatzofe, O.,  Mueller, T., Sapir, N., and O. Berger-Tal. 2023. Early and accumulated experience shape migration and flight in Egyptian vultures. Current Biology 33(24): 5526-5532.e4. doi: Abstract Full-text
  14. Wasserlauf, Y., Gancz, A., Ben Dov, A., Efrat, R., Sapir, N., Dor, R., and O. Spiegel. 2023. A telemetry study shows that an endangered nocturnal avian species roosts in extremely dry habitats to avoid predation. Scientific Reports 13,11888 290:20222429. doi: Abstract Full-text
  15. Schekler, I., Nave, T., Shimshoni, I. and N. Sapir. 2023. Automatic detection of migrating soaring bird flocks using weather radars by deep learning. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 20842094. doi: Abstract Full-text
  16. Becciu, P., Troupin, D., Dinevich, L., Leshem, Y. and N. Sapir. 2023. Soaring migrants flexibly respond to sea-breeze in a migratory bottleneck: Using first derivatives to identify behavioural adjustments over time. Movement Ecology 11, 44. doi:
    Abstract Full-text
  17. Hertel, A.G., Efrat, R., Reznikov, K., Sapir, N., Berger-Tal, O. and T. Mueller. 2023. Time constraints may pace the ontogeny of movement behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 290: 20222429. doi: Abstract Full-text
  18. Werber, Y., Sextin, H., Yovel, Y., and N. Sapir. 2023. BATScan: A radar classification tool reveals large-scale bat migration patterns. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 17641779. doi: Abstract Full-text
  19. Werber, Y., Hareli, G., Yinon, O., Sapir, N. and Y. Yovel. 2023. Drone-mounted audio-visual deterrence of bats: Implications for reducing aerial wildlife mortality by wind turbines. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 9: 404-419. doi: Abstract Full-text
  20. Ben Moshe, D., Messer, H., Nathan, R. and N. Sapir. 2022. Empirical study on the effects of birds on Commercial Microwave Links and its application for bird detection. IEEE Access 10:103819-103826. Abstract Full-text
  21. Zinßmeister, D., Troupin, D., and N. Sapir. 2022. Autumn migrating passerines at a desert edge: Do birds depart for migration after reaching a threshold fuel load or vary it according to the rate of fuel deposition? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 874923. doi: Abstract Full-text
  22. Netser, S., Nahardiya, G., Weiss-Dicker, G., Dadush, R., Goussha, Y., Shanah Rachel, J., Taub, M., Werber, Y., Sapir, N., Yovel, Y., Harony-Nicolas, H., Buxbaum, J.D., Cohen, L., Crammer, K. and S. Wagner. 2022. TrackUSF, a novel tool for automated ultrasonic vocalization analysis, reveals modified calls in a rat model of autism. BMC Biology 20: 159. doi: Abstract Full-text
  23. Jetz, W., Tertitski, G., Kays, R., Mueller, U., Wikelski, M. and supporting authors (including Sapir, N.). 2022. Biological earth observation with animal sensors. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37: 293-298. doi: Abstract Full-text
  24. Schekler, I., Smolinksky, J.A., Troupin, D., Buler, J.J., and N. Sapir. 2022. Bird migration at the edge – geographic and anthropogenic factors but not habitat properties drive season-specific spatial stopover distributions near wide ecological barriers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 822220. doi: Abstract Full-text
  25. Schmaljohann, H., Eikenaar, C., and N. Sapir. 2022. Understanding the ecological and evolutionary function of stopover in migrating birds. Biological Reviews. doi: Abstract Full-text
  26. Efrat, R., Hatzofe, O., Miller, Y., Mueller, T., Sapir, N. and Berger-Tal, O. 2022. Postrelease survival of captive-bred Egyptian Vultures is similar to that of wild-hatched Egyptian Vultures and is not affected by release age or season. Ornithological Applications 124: 1-10. doi: Abstract Full-text
  27. Kiat, Y., and N. Sapir. 2021. Evolutionary trade-off between male colouration and feather moult extent also indirectly determines female moult. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 00, 1– 10. doi: Abstract Full-text
  28. Paces, B., Waringer, B.M., Domer, A., Burns, D., Zvik, Y., Wojciechowski, M. S., Shochat, E., Sapir, N. and I. Maggini. 2021. Evaporative water loss and stopover behavior in three passerine bird species during autumn migration. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:704676 doi: Abstract Full-text
  29. Becciu P., Panuccio, M., Dell’Omo G. and N. Sapir. 2021. Groping in the Fog: Soaring Migrants Exhibit Wider Scatter in Flight Directions and Respond Differently to Wind Under Low Visibility Conditions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:767. doi: Abstract Full-text
  30. Kiat, Y., Slavenko, A. and N. Sapir. 2021. Body mass and geographic distribution determined the evolution of the wing flight-feather molt strategy in the Neornithes lineage. Scientific Reports 11: 21573. doi: Abstract Full-text
  31. Kiat, Y. and N. Sapir. 2021. Sex-dependent elevational effects on bird feather moult. Evolutionary Ecology 35: 643–653. Abstract Full-text
  32. Gur, E., Sapir, N., Hatzofe, O. and Ovadia, O. 2021. Seasonal nomadism and pre-breeding scouting forays of a Spotted Sandgrouse (Pterocles senegallus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132(4): 1014-1019. doi: Abstract Full-text
  33. Buechley, E., Oppel, S., Efrat, R., Phipps, L., Carbonell, I., Alvarez, E., Andreotti, A., Arkumarev, V., Berger-Tal, O., Bermejo Bermejo, A., Bounas, A., Ceccolini, G., Cenerini, A., Dobrev, V., Duriez, O., García Fernández , J., García-Ripollés, C., Galán, M., Gil, A., Giraud, L., Hatzofe, O., José Iglesias, J., Karyakin, I., Kobierzycki, E., Kret, E., Loercher, F., López-López, P., Miller, Y., Müller, T., Nikolov, S., De la Puente, J., Sapir, N., Saravia, V., Sekercioglu, C., Sillett, S., Tavarez, J., Urios, V. and Marra, P. 2021. Differential survival throughout the full annual cycle of a migratory bird presents a life history trade-off. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 1228– 1238. doi: Abstract Full-text
  34. Rotics, S., Turjeman, S., Kaatz, M., Zurell, D., Wikelski, M., Sapir, N., Fiedler, W., Eggers, U., Resheff, Y. S., Jeltsch, F. and Nathan, R. 2021. Early-life behavior predicts first-year survival in a long-distance avian migrant. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 288:20202670.doi: Abstract Full-text
  35. Kiat, Y., Davaasuren, B., Erdenechimeg, T., Troupin, D., and Sapir, N. 2020. Large-scale longitudinal climate gradient across the Palearctic region affects passerine feather moult extent. Ecography 43. doi: Abstract Full-text
  36. Fandos, G., Rotics, S., Sapir, N., Fiedler, W., Kaatz, M., Wikelski, M., Nathan, R., and D., Zurell. 2020. Seasonal niche tracking of climate emerges at the population level in a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287: 20201799. doi: Abstract Full-text
  37. Kiat, Y., Balaban, A., Sapir, N., O’Connor, J.K., Wang, M., and X. Xu. 2020. Sequential Molt in a Feathered Dinosaur and Implications for Early Paravian Ecology and Locomotion. Current Biology S0960-9822 (20) 30862-9. doi: Abstract Full-text
  38. Becciu, P., Rotics, S., Horvitz, N., Kaatz, M., Fiedler, W., Zurell, D., Flack, A., Jeltsch, F., Wikelski, M., Nathan, R. and N. Sapir. 2020. Causes and consequences of facultative sea crossing in a soaring migrant. Functional Ecology 34: 840-854. doi: Abstract Full-text
  39. Kiat, Y., Vortman, Y., and N. Sapir. 2019. Feather moult and bird appearance are correlated with global warming over the last 200 years. Nature Communications 10 (2540). doi: Abstract Full-text
  40. Domer, A., Shochat, E., Ovadia, O., and N. Sapir. 2019. Fruit consumption in migratory passerines is limited by water ingestion rather than by body water balance. Journal of Avian Biology 50(5). doi: Abstract Full-text
  41. Becciu, P., Menz, M.H.M., Aurbach, A., Cabrera-Cruz., S., Wainwright, C., Scacco, M., Ciach, M., Petterson, L., Maggini, I., Arroyo, G., Buler, J., Reynolds, D., and N. Sapir. 2019. Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar. Ecography 42 (5). doi: Abstract Full-text
  42. Panuccio, M., Stanzione, V., Catoni, C., Bogliani, G., Dell’Omo, G., and N. Sapir. 2019. Migrating birds avoid flying through fog and low clouds. International Journal of Biometeorology 63 (2) 231-239. doi: Abstract Full-text 
  43. Tucker, M.A., Alexandrou O., Bierregaard R.O. Jr., et al. (including Sapir, N.). 2019. Large birds travel farther in homogenous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (5). doi: Abstract Full-text
  44. Liechti, F., Aschwanden, J., Blew, J., Boos, M., Brabant, R., Dokter, A., Kosarev, V., Lukach, M., Maruri, M.M., Reyniers, M., Schekler, I., Scmaljohann, H., Weisshaupt, N., and N. Sapir. 2018. Cross-calibration of different radar systems for monitoring nocturnal bird migration across Europe and the Near East. Ecography 42 (5). doi: Abstract Full-text 
  45. Kiat, Y., Izhaki, I., and N. Sapir. 2018. The effects of long-distance migration on the evolution of moult strategies in Western-Palearctic passerines. Biological Reviews 94 (2). doi: Abstract Full-text 
  46. Nilsson, C., Dokter, A., Verlinden, L., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Schmid, B., Desmet, P., Bauer, S., Chapman, J., Alves, J.A., Stepanian, P.M., Sapir, N., Wainwright, C., Boos, M., Górska, A., Menz, M.H.M, Rodrigues, P., Leijnse, H., Zehtindjiev, P., Brabant, R., Haase, G., Weisshaupt, N., Ciach, M., and F. Liechti. 2018. Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network. Ecography 42: 1-11. doi: Abstract Full-text 
  47. Kiat, Y. and N. Sapir. 2018. Life-history tradeoffs result in evolutionary optimization of feather quality. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125(3) 613-624. doi: Abstract Full-text 
  48. Rotics., S., Kaatz, M., Turjeman, S., Zurell, D., Wikelski, M., Sapir, N., Eggers, U., Fiedler, W., Jeltsch, F., and R. Nathan. 2018. Early arrival to breeding grounds: causes, costs and a trade-off with overwintering latitude. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:1627–1638. doi: Abstract Full-text 
  49. Zurell, D., von Wehrden, H., Rotics, S., Kaatz, M., Gross, H., Schlag, L., Schäfer, M., Sapir, N., Turjeman, S., Wikelski, M., Nathan, R. and F. Jeltsch. 2018. Home range size and resource use of breeding and non-breeding white storks along a land use gradient. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: 79. doi: Abstract Full-text 
  50. Achache, Y., Sapir, N., and Y. Elimelech. 2018. Hovering hummingbird wing aerodynamics during the annual cycle. II. Implications of wing feather moult. Royal Society Open Science 5: 171766. doi: Abstract Full-text
  51. Becciu, P., Panuccio, M. Catoni, C., Dell’Omo, G., and
  52. Sapir, N.. 2018. Contrasting aspects of tailwinds and asymmetrical response to crosswinds in soaring migrants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72(28). doi: Abstract Full-text 
  53. Tucker, M.A., Böhning-Gaese, K., Fagan, W.F., Fryxell, J.M., Van Moorter, B., Alberts, S.C., Ali, A.H., Allen, A.M., Attias, N., Avgar, T., Bartlam-Brooks, H., Bayarbaatar, B., Belant, J.L., Bertassoni, A., Beyer, D., Bidner, L., van Beest, F.M., Blake, S., Blaum, N., Bracis, C., Brown ,D., de Bruyn, P.J.N., Cagnacci, F., Calabrese, J.M., Camilo-Alves, C., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Chiaradia, A., Davidson, S.C., Dennis, T., De Stefano, S., Diefenbach, D., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Fennessy, J., Fichtel, C., Fiedler, W., Fischer, C., Fischhoff, I., Fleming, C.H., Ford, A.T., Fritz, S.A., Gehr, B., Goheen, J.R., Gurarie, E., Hebblewhite, M., Heurich, M., Hewison, A.J.M, Hof, C., Hurme, E., Isbell, L.A., Janssen, R., Jeltsch, F., Kaczensky, P., Kane, A., Kappeler, P.M., Kauffman, M., Kays, R., Kimuyu, D., Koch, F., Kranstauber, B., LaPoint, S., Leimgruber, P., Linnell, J.D.C., López-López, P., Markham, A.C., Mattisson, J., Medici, E.P., Mellone, U., Merrill, E., de Miranda Mourão, G., Morato, R.G., Morellet, N., Morrison, T.A., Díaz-Muñoz, S.L., Mysterud, A., Nandintsetseg, D., Nathan, R., Niamir, A., Odden, J., O’Hara, R.B., Oliveira-Santos, L.G.R., Olson, K.A., Patterson, B.D., de Paula, R.C., Pedrotti, L., Reineking, B.,Rimmler, M., Rogers, T.L., Rolandsen, C.M., Rosenberry, C.S., Rubenstein, D.I., Safi, K., Saïd, S., Sapir, N., Sawyer, H., Schmidt, N.M., Selva, N., Sergiel, A., Shiilegdamba, E., Silva, J.P., Singh, N., Solberg, E.J., Spiegel, O., Strand, O., Sundaresan, S., Ullmann, W., Voigt, U., Wall, J., Wattles, D., Wikelski, M., Wilmers, C.C., Wilson, J.W., Wittemyer, G., Zięba, F., Zwijacz-Kozica, T., and T. Mueller. 2018. Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359 (6374):466-469. doi: 10.1126/science.aam9712 Abstract Full-text 
  54. Agostini, N., Panuccio, M., Pastorino, A., Sapir, N., and G. Dell’Omo. 2017.Migration of the Western Marsh Harrier to the African wintering quarters along the Central Mediterranean flyway: a 5‑year study. Avian Research 8: 24. doi: Abstract Full-text 
  55. Achache, Y., Sapir, N., and Y. Elimelech. 2017. Hovering hummingbird wingaerodynamics during the annual cycle. I.Complete wing. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170183. doi: Abstract Full-text
  56. Bauer, S., Chapman, J.W., Reynolds, D.R., Alves, J.A., Dokter, A.M., Menz, M.M.H., Sapir, N., Ciach, M., Petterson, L.B., Kelly, J.F., Leijnse, H., and J. Shamoun-Baranes. 2017. From Agricultural Benefits to Aviation Safety: Realizing the Potential of Continent-Wide Radar Networks. Bioscience bix074. doi: Abstract Full-text
  57. Rotics, S., Turjeman, S., Kaatz, M., Resheff, Y.S., Zurell, D., Sapir, N., Eggers, U., Fiedler, W., Flack, A., Jeltsch, F., Wikelski, M., and R. Nathan. 2017. Wintering in Europe instead of Africa enhances juvenile survival in a long-distance migrant. Animal Behaviour 126: 79-88. doi: Abstract Full-text
  58. Kiat, Y. and N. Sapir. 2017. Age-dependent modulation of songbird summer feather moult by temporal and functional constraints. The American Naturalist 189 (2):184-195. Abstract Full-text
  59. Hu, G., Lim, K.S., Horvitz, N., Clark, S.J., Reynolds, D.R., Sapir, N., and J.W. Chapman. 2016. Mass seasonal bioflows of high-flying insect migrants. Science 354 (6319): 1584-1587. Abstract Full-text
  60. Kiat, Y., Izhaki, I., and N. Sapir. 2016. Determinants of wing-feather moult speed in songbirds. Evolutionary Ecology 30 (4): 738-795. doi: 10.1007/s10682-016-9838-3. Abstract Full-text
  61. Rotics, S., Kaatz, M., Resheff, Y.S., Feldman Turjeman, S., Zurell, D., Sapir, N., Eggers, U., Flack, A., Fiedler, W., Jeltsch, F., Wikelski, M., and R. Nathan. 2016. The challenges of the first migration: movement and behavior of juvenile versus adult white storks with insights regarding juvenile mortality. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12525. Abstract Full-text
  62. Efrat, R., Shani, G., Gutman, R., and N. Sapir. 2015. Does saline water consumption affect feeding and fuel deposition rate of a staging, long-distance migrating passerine? Journal of Avian Biology 47 (3): 378-385. doi:10.1111/jav.00770. Abstract Full-text
  63. Buchin, K., Sijben, S., van Loon, E.E., Sapir, N., Mercier, S., Arseneau, T.J-M., and E.P. Willems. 2015. Deriving movement properties and the effect of the environment from the Brownian bridge movement model in monkeys and birds. Movement ecology 3 (1):18-18. doi: 10.1186/s40462-015-0043-8. Abstract Full-text
  64. Zurell, D., Eggers, U., Kaatz, M., Rotics, S., Sapir, N., Wikelski, M., Nathan, R., and F. Jeltsch. 2015. Individual-based modelling of resource competition to predict density-dependent population dynamics: a case study with white storks. Oikos 124 (3):319-330. doi: 10.1111/oik.01294. Abstract Full-text
  65. Horvitz, N., Sapir, N.,(equal contribution of the first two authors), Liechti, F., Avissar, R., Mahrer, I., and R. Nathan. 2014. The gliding speed of migrating birds: slow and safe or fast and risky? Ecology Letters 17 (6):670-679. doi: 10.1111/ele.12268. Abstract Full-text
  66. Sapir, N., Horvitz, N., (equal contribution of the first two authors), Dechmann, D.K.N., Fahr, J., and M. Wikelski. 2014. Commuting fruit bats beneficially modulate their flight in relation to wind. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 281 (1782). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0018. Abstract Full-text
  67. Ortega-Jimenez, V.M., Sapir, N., (equal contribution of the first two authors), Wolf, M., Variano, E.A., and R. Dudley. 2014. Into turbulent air: size-dependent effects of von Karman vortex streets on hummingbird flight kinematics and energetics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 281 (1783). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0180. Abstract Full-text
  68. Sapir, N., Horvitz, N., Wikelski, M., Avissar, R., and R. Nathan. 2014. Compensation for lateral drift due to crosswind in migrating European Bee-eaters. Journal of Ornithology 155 (3):745-753. doi: 10.1007/s10336-014-1060-x. Abstract Full-text
  69. Sapir, N., and R. Dudley. 2013. Implications of floral orientation for flight kinematics and metabolic expenditure of hover-feeding hummingbirds. Functional Ecology 27 (1):227-235. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12024. Abstract Full-text
  70. Sapir, N., and R. Dudley. 2012. Backward flight in hummingbirds employs unique kinematic adjustmentsf and entails low metabolic cost. Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (20):3603-3611. doi: 10.1242/jeb.073114. Abstract Full-text
  71. Lerner, A., Haspel, C., Sapir, N., Meltser, N., Broza, M., and N. Shashar. 2012. Insights from chironomid oviposition is useful to visual pest control. Fauna Norvegica 31:65-70. doi: 10.5324/fn.v31i0.1404. Abstract Full-text
  72. Sapir, N., Horvitz, N., Wikelski, M., Avissar, R., Mahrer, Y., and R. Nathan. 2011. Migration by soaring or flapping: numerical atmospheric simulations reveal that turbulence kinetic energy dictates bee-eater flight mode. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 278 (1723):3380-3386. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0358. Abstract Full-text
  73. Sapir, N., Wikelski, M., Avissar, R., and R. Nathan. 2011. Timing and flight mode of departure in migrating European bee-eaters in relation to multi-scale meteorological processes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 (7):1353-1365. doi: 10.1007/s00265-011-1146-x. Abstract Full-text
  74. Lerner, A., Sapir, N., (equal contribution of the first two authors),Erlick, C., Meltser, N., Broza, M., and N. Shashar. 2011. Habitat availability mediates chironomid density-dependent oviposition. Oecologia 165 (4):905-914. doi: 10.1007/s00442-010-1893-9. Abstract Full-text
  75. Sapir, N., Wikelski, M., McCue, M.D., Pinshow, B., and R. Nathan. 2010. Flight Modes in Migrating European Bee-Eaters: Heart Rate May Indicate Low Metabolic Rate during Soaring and Gliding. Plos One 5 (11). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013956. Abstract Full-text
  76. Bowlin, M.S., Bisson, I-A., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Reichard, J.D., Sapir, N., Marra, P.P., Kunz, T.H., Wilcove, D.S., Hedenstrom, A., Guglielmo, C.G., Akesson, S., Ramenofsky, M., and M. Wikelski. 2010. Grand Challenges in Migration Biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (3):261-279. doi: 10.1093/icb/icq013.9. Abstract Full-text
  77. Lerner, A., Meltser, N., Sapir, N., Erlick, C., Shashar, N., and M. Broza. 2008. Reflected polarization guides chironomid females to oviposition sites. Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (22):3536-3543. doi: 10.1242/jeb.022277. Abstract Full-text
  78. Tsurim, I., Sapir, N., Belmaker, J., Shanni, I., Izhaki, I., Wojciechowski, M.S., Karasov, W.H., and B. Pinshow. 2008. Drinking water boosts food intake rate, body mass increase and fat accumulation in migratory blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Oecologia 156 (1):21-30. doi: 10.1007/s00442-008-0970-9. Abstract Full-text
  79. Nathan, R., Sapir, N., Trakhtenbrot, A., Katul, G. G., Bohrer, G., Otte, M., Avissar, R., Soons, M. B., Horn, H. S., Wikelski, M., and S. A. Levin. 2005. Long-distance biological transport processes through the air: can nature’s complexity be unfolded in silico? Diversity and Distributions 11 (2):131-137. doi: 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2005.00146.x.7. Abstract Full-text
  80. Sapir, N., Tsurim, I., Gal, B., and Z. Abramsky. 2004. The effect of water availability on fuel deposition of two staging Sylvia warblers. Journal of Avian Biology 35 (1):25-32. doi: 10.1111/j.0908-8857.2004.03212.x. Abstract Full-text
  81. Sapir, N., Abramsky, Z., Shochat, E., and I. Izhaki. 2004. Scale-dependent habitat selection in migratory frugivorous passerines. Naturwissenschaften 91 (11):544-547. doi: 10.1007/s00114-004-0564-2. Abstract Full-text
  82. Sapir, N. 2003. Six new breeding bird species in Israel during 1995-2002. Israel Journal of Zoology 49 (2-3):203-218. doi: 10.1560/equx-h2j9-fjq1-q5rg. Abstract Full-text

Book chapters

  1. Sapir, N., Butler, P.J.,Wikelski, M., and A. Hedenström. 2011. Energy Gain and Use During Animal Migration. In Fryxell, J.M., E.J., Milner-Gulland, and A.R.E. Sinclair. (eds.), Animal Migration – A Synthesis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Abstract Full-text

Book reviews

  1. Sapir, N. 2015. Scaling up the understanding of animal movement [review of Hansson,L-A and Åkesson S. (eds). 2014. Animal movement across scales. New York: Oxford University Press]. Ecology 96(10): 2850-2851. Full-text

Other publications

  1. Toledo, S., Kishon, O., Orchan, Y., Bartan, Y., Sapir, N., Vortman, Y. and R. Nathan. 2014. Lightweight low-cost wildlife tracking tags using integrated transceivers. Proceedings of the 6th EDERC Conference (European Embedded Design in Education & Research), Milan Italy. pp. 287-291. doi: 10.1109/EDERC.2014.6924406 Abstract Full-text
  2. Sapir, N. 2014. The bird collection, including the collection of Israel Aharoni. Haasiana (newsletter of the biological collections of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 7:1-8. Abstract Full-text
  3. Sapir, N., Rotics, S., Kaatz, M., Davidson, S., Zurell, D., Eggers, U., Jeltsch, F., Nathan, R., and M. Wikelski. 2013. Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia): how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant. Proceedings of the 2013 meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, in Integrative and Comparative Biology 53(S1): E189.
  4. Sapir, N., Nathan, R., Wikelski, M., and R. Avissar. 2010. The effect of weather on migrating bee-eaters studied by radio-telemetry and numeric atmospheric model. Proceedings of the 2010 meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, in Integrative and Comparative Biology 50(S1): E156. Abstract
  5. Sapir, N., Nathan, R. and M. Wikelski. 2009. Heart-rates of European bee-eaters migrating over southern Israel. Proceedings of the 2009 meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, in Integrative and Comparative Biology 49(S1): E151.
  6. Sapir, N., Nathan, R., Wikelski, M. and R. Avissar. 2009. The effects of meteorological conditions on migrating bird take-off time from stopover site: how accurate is bird decision? Supplemental proceedings of the 45th meeting of the Zoological Society of Israel, in Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56(1): 101.
  7. Sapir N. 2005. Summary of reports from the ISRABIRDNET – mailing list for birding in Israel, for the year 2004. Torgos 33: 74-79 (In Hebrew, with an English summary in Torgos 33:82).
  8. Sapir N. 2004. Summary of reports from the ISRABIRDNET – mailing list for birding in Israel, for the year 2003. Torgos 32: 82-89 (In Hebrew).
  9. Perlman, Y. and N. Sapir. 2004. Israel bird rarities committee: summary of rare bird species records for the years 1995-2003. Torgos 32:66-71 (In Hebrew).
  10. Sapir N. 2003. Summary of reports from the ISRABIRDNET – mailing list for birding in Israel, for the year 2002. Torgos 31: 74-88 (In Hebrew, with an English summary in Torgos 31:92-94).
  11. Sapir N. 2003. Summary of reports from the ISRABIRDNET – mailing list for birding in Israel, between 1999 to 2001. Torgos 30: 72-88 (In Hebrew, with an English summary in Torgos 30:90).
  12. Sapir, N. 2001. Stopover of autumn migrating passerines in a heterogeneous habitat: Factors affecting habitat use. Proceedings of the 37-th meeting of the Zoological Society of Israel, in Israel Journal of Zoology 47:192-193.
  13. Sapir, N. 2001. Diet, aggression and aggregation patterns in a stopover passerines community during the autumn migration.  Proceedings of the 38-th Animal Behavior Society meeting, Oregon State University, USA.
  14. Schulman, Y., Sapir, N., Perlman, Y. and G. Perlman. 2001. Ring size manual for bird ringing in Israel. Israel Ornithological Center of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, Tel-Aviv. 34 pages.
  15. Sapir, N. 2000. Do fruit density and foliage density affect the abundance of stopover autumn migrants in Atlantic Pistachio groves?Proceedings of the 36-th meeting of the Zoological Society of Israel, in Israel Journal of Zoology 46:171-172.
  16. Sapir, N. 2000. The establishment of introduced bird species in Israel: Up to date report of the phenomenon and possible actions. Ecology and Environment 6:130-131 (in Hebrew).